Check Out These Hosting Academy Support-Related Resources!

Check Out These Hosting Academy Support-Related Resources!

The third in a series of three National Hosting Academy Sessions, co-led by the Hosting Advisory Group and Support Advisory Group, was held on July 19, 2022. Please find the resources shared and a recording of a session on the new MyAFS H&L article here.

Thank you for joining to all who attended; The focus of the session was on transitioning from placement volunteers to support volunteers and it was a great opportunity to share best practices!

Special thanks to the Support Advisory Group members who co-led the session – Linn Shields, Leigh Roberson, Gayle Edwards, Rita Fagan, Ian Loumos (staff) and Amanda Brown (staff) – for sharing what has worked for them in their support work.

For those who could not attend, all session information has been uploaded to MyAFS Help & Learning for all to view/use. Please find the MyAFS H&L article here.

Thank you to all for your continued efforts toward placement of all participants for the upcoming school year!! And thank you for “Leading Together” toward a successful year to come!