Congratulations Mary Porterfield, Recipient of the 2021 CSCTFL Simon Award!

Congratulations Mary Porterfield, Recipient of the 2021 CSCTFL Simon Award!

Mary Porterfield, a longtime AFS Volunteer, has been awarded the prestigious Paul Simon Award by the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages!

The Simon Award is conferred on an individual “that has demonstrated leadership in the promotion of language learning and international understanding by engaging in actions consistent with the recommendations of the 1979 Report of the President’s Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies, thereby contributing to the cause of world peace and exemplifying the late Senator Simon’s dedication to and enthusiasm for foreign languages and international studies.”

Mary has been involved with AFS since the late 60’s, promoting AFS in her community, hosting students and supporting host families in the Heartland KS Area Team, serving numerous volunteer leadership positions, and chairing the AFS-USA Board of Directors.

Mary’s fellow volunteers, former hosted students, and AFS staff know her as a role model, an inspiration, and the embodiment of the AFS mission. Congratulations Mary!