Congratulations to our Youth Ambassador Program Graduates!

Congratulations to our Youth Ambassador Program Graduates!

Congratulations to the Youth Ambassadors who graduated this week from the AFS-USA Youth Ambassador Sustainability Project Leadership Course: Leah French, DeRuyter; CJ Calica, GLA; Kaylyn Flyr, Baltimore; Ela Peterson, Pine Tree Maine; Christine Kelly, Gt. Illinois!

After 7 weeks of planning, they are now ready to begin working on their community projects in the coming weeks. We are looking forward to seeing how their projects develop and are so proud of all their hard work so far!

This is our second class to successfully complete the Leadership Course. We invite you to keep your eye out for any projects happening in your area. If you’d like to learn more about the AFS-USA Youth Ambassador Sustainability Project, please check out our newly launched Youth Ambassador Sustainability Project page on Help & Learning.