Drumbeat: Meet Toom Tam from Thailand!

Drumbeat: Meet Toom Tam from Thailand!

Meet Toom Tam from Thailand!

Sakda, or Toom Tam as he likes to be called, is a wonderfully resilient and brilliant young man!

Although 90% deaf, he can hear loud sounds, but communicates primarily in sign language. Thai and English sign language are his preferences. Toom Tam says he’s easy to get along with because he uses multiple devices to communicate. His cell phone, writing words, sometimes pictures, and animated body language too if needed!

Toom Tam is also very athletic and is an avid volley ball player. He made his way onto the national league team for volleyball in Thailand, he’s that good! He’s also eager to discover other new activities when he comes to the states; he’s open to anything.

In his future he sees himself as a very effective teacher for deaf youth in his country. He assists younger students at his school now in various activities and he feel very effective doing so. By being a teacher for deaf students he hopes to open the world to them.

His teachers agree that Toom Tam is a great leader to his peers and has a strong sense of service, integrity and maturity.

He’s very upbeat and is ready to dive into every adventure his exchange year may offer him!

Email hosting@afsusa.org with any questions about Toom Tam!