Global AFS Volunteer Awards Announced, including the Galatti Award, AFS’ most prestigious award for volunteer service  

Global AFS Volunteer Awards Announced, including the Galatti Award, AFS’ most prestigious award for volunteer service  

On this International Volunteer Day, AFS-USA would like to highlight the US recipients of the global Galatti and Peggy & Art Howe Awards, Debra Maly of the Milwaukee Area Team and Bonnie and Jim Stark of the San Diego Area Team.  

Debra Maly, one of this year’s two recipients of the Galatti Award, has hosted over 20 students with AFS-USA and her work as a dedicated speech therapist has made a significant impact through her over 30 years of work with school children. Debra’s contributions at the local AFS level are numerous, including roles as a Liaison, Chapter Chair, Liaison Coordinator, Support Coordinator, and Compliance Coordinator. Debra exemplifies the essence of an active global citizen, leaving a profound mark on those she encounters and the AFS community as a whole. She firmly believes in fostering an environment where differences are not merely tolerated but encouraged! 

Bonnie and Jim Stark, one of four families awarded the Peggy & Art Howe Award, have helped to sustain a culture for their team that welcomes all people, and they actively seek to integrate new volunteers and families from backgrounds not typically represented. They seamlessly support each other and collaborate to create a sense of teamwork and confidence with all of their AFS Area Team members. Bonnie and Jim’s continued commitment to maintaining a thriving social culture in their community has been essential to rebuilding their AFS Area Team after the pandemic hit, incorporating multiple voices, styles, and values for a well-rounded team culture. 

Both Debra and the Stark family embody the meaning of the #AFSEffect!