Hear from Fellow Volunteers in the Latest Town Hall!

Hear from Fellow Volunteers in the Latest Town Hall!

The AFS-USA Volunteer Town Hall recording from Thursday, August 18 is now available! You can view the recording here.

Here are the resources and ideas shared during the Town Hall – thank you to those who joined the panel and discussion!


  • Sharing bios at arrival orientations and other welcome events
  • Social media advertisements like what Milwaukee Volunteer Stephanie Schultz is doing here:

  • Submitting stories (and photos!) to local newspapers
  • Adding a link to the hosting website/learn more form to your email signature like Columbia Pacific Volunteer Joanne Yokoyama-Martin has done here:

Joanne Yokoyama-Martin (she/her)
Volunteer Coordinator – AFS Columbia Pacific Team

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Please reach out to marketing@afsusa.org with any questions or for support in promoting AFS (designing materials, generating ideas, and more)! Thank you for continuing to promote AFS-USA hosting opportunities.