Iftar Night for Students, Host Families, and Volunteers

Iftar Night for Students, Host Families, and Volunteers

Ramadan is a month-long celebration on the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar where observers fast from sunrise to sunset. Every evening Muslims around the world break their fast with an “Iftar” that concludes the day’s fast with friends and family.

AFS-USA would like to invite you to a virtual Iftar for both Muslim and non-Muslim AFS’ers, their host families, and volunteers. Whether or not you are Muslim or are fasting, this will be an opportunity to connect with AFS’ers who are currently in the U.S.

Please register in advance for this Zoom meeting here.

Theme: Volunteering! We suggest you watch this short Tedx video about being a change-maker in advance. Our AFS Alumni special guests from Ghana, the Philippines, and Indonesia will share their stories and advice as change-makers in their own countries to inspire you to help build a more just and peaceful world.

Please bring something to eat or drink to symbolize the breaking of the fast. Additionally, please wear traditional clothing if you have any.

Shukran! Thank you!

Special Guests Feruzah Wuniche Salisu, Aya Sopia Gaite, & Pandu Kartika Putra, AFS & YES Alumni

Natalie Rehberger & Nahla Menasy, Participant Support Specialists, AFS-USA

Erica Flory, YES Participant Support Specialist, AFS-USA