Late Registrations for the Virtual AFS Summit

Late Registrations for the Virtual AFS Summit

We are just a few days away from the 2020 Virtual AFS Summit, to be held November 12-15. If you missed the deadline to register for the Virtual AFS Summit, there’s good news! You may still do so, please click here to go to Sched and select “Contact the Event Organizer.” Please enter your first and last name, email address, and the name of your Area Team and we will get you added to the attendee list and send you the information you will need to log-in to the events during the weekend.

Even if you are unable to attend other parts of the Summit over the weekend, there is also still time to register for Thursday’s Welcome Address by AFS-USA President, Tara Hofmann. To learn more and to register for this event, which starts at 8pm EST on November 12, please read the full story on MyAFS News.

To learn more about the plans for the Summit, look for the articles on MyAFS News!