New: Find Schools and Their Acceptance Policies in MyAFS

New: Find Schools and Their Acceptance Policies in MyAFS

It is easier than ever to find schools in your teams even if they have never hosted before or have a unique name. In addition, any information that volunteers or staff have recorded about the school’s policy for accepting exchange students is now displayed prominently. Check out your local school today!

Detailed instructions on finding and updating school information can be found on MyAFS Help & Learning, though here is a sneak peek:

  1. Go to the Team Section of MyAFS
  2. Click on the Schools Tab
  3. Use the Search boxes to find schools by Name, City, State, County, or Zip Code.  You don’t have to type the full or formal name to find a school.  In fact, you can even type just a few letters if you aren’t sure how to spell the name of the school or city, for example.  Note which Hosting Status boxes are checked as you may need to adjust the selection to find the school you are seeking if the school has never hosted before or hasn’t for a few years.
  4. Clicking the column headers will sort the columns in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order to help you find what you are seeking.

Steps 1-4

Click on the name of a school for more information about that school. The Acceptance Policies and School District Details can be updated in Global Link though we plan to make them editable in MyAFS after hosting season too. Stay tuned!

As always, feel free to contact the School Partnerships team if you have ANY questions about school information or to request help making updates. We have more improvements to make in the coming months. Please feel free to send your thoughts and ideas our way.  And thank you for all you do to help build relationships with local schools; your efforts impact the world.