NH21 YES Abroad Candidates Now in Global Link!

NH21 YES Abroad Candidates Now in Global Link!

We have exciting news to share! You can now find the contact information of NH21 YES Abroad candidates in your area on Global Link with NSLI listed as the Responsible Org (program code YPysNH21)! If you have any trouble accessing this information, you can follow the Global Link instructions on the MyAFS Help & Learning Page or contact a SIC – nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org for further assistance.

Please note that some candidates will be interviewed for both the NSLI-Y and YES Abroad program. These candidates will be visible twice in Global Link, but under different program codes. A dual candidate should only have one interview, which reflects their application to both programs.

We hope to contact all YES Abroad candidates to schedule an interview by January 21, 2021. Again, please contact your Seasonal Interview Coordinator or nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org with any questions.

Thank you for your continued help and support! Our team wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season!