NH23 Hosting Application Distribution – Shifting to Phase 2

NH23 Hosting Application Distribution – Shifting to Phase 2

AFS-USA is preparing to move into Phase Two of this year’s hosting distribution plan, shifting unplaced participants to be Regional availability (E.g., East 1). Thank you to all our hosting volunteers for your continued placement efforts as we strive to meet our shared organizational placement goals.

Regional Field Specialists will represent their Region’s Area Teams’ preferences/placement limitations as unplaced participants are allocated equitably to Regions. Area Team Hosting Coordinators should expect outreach from your Regional Field Specialist soon to discuss your Area Team’s participant preferences/placement limitations. Please note that not all desired participants may not be allocated to your Region and that not all participants allocated to your Regional pool of participants will meet all your Area Team’s placement preferences/limitations.

The below distribution plan applies both to our Core/Flagship and Sponsored Programs students. Please see below for a breakdown of Phase Two. You can find the full Help & Learning Article on the Hosting Distribution Plan here.

Phase Two: Regionally Available

  • Beginning in April 28, 2023, there will be a pause on student holds so that any students without a pending placement can be made Regionally Available starting the following week (May 1, 2023).
  • Regional Field Specialists will represent their Region’s Area Teams’ preferences/placement limitations – and ensure that an appropriate balance of participant characteristics are represented in the Regional participant pool.
    • During April 2023, please ensure you share your Area Team’s participant preferences/placement limitations with your Regional Field Specialist, and please recognize that not all students selected for the Regional pool of participants will meet all preferences/limitations.
      • Regional Field Specialists will work with their Region’s Area Teams to ensure a coordinated effort in working to place the Regional pool of participants.
    • On May 1, Core and Sponsored Programs students will be linked to Regions as Regionally Available by our Hosting Operations and Sponsored Programs staff.
    • During Phase Two, regional volunteers will have the opportunity to get to know specific students to share with schools, Area Team volunteers, and potential host families.
      • Regional volunteers are encouraged at this time to:
        • Make adjustments to student bios to ensure they are well-positioned for placement in their Region/local communities.
        • Share bios in your community/Area Team/schools and work to identify families for these specific students with resources and support from your Regional Field Specialist.

After May 1, any participants who are yet to be distributed will be allocated equitably (and ensuring a balance of placement characteristics) by Hosting Operations and Sponsored Programs (YES, FLEX, and CBYX) as they are accepted.

Phase Two is intended to encourage collaboration among Area Teams within a Region. Area Team Volunteers within one Area Team can work with volunteers in other Teams within their Region to ensure all students are placed.

If you have questions about the process, please contact your Regional Field Specialist (RFS) and/or check out the Frequently Asked Questions. Thank you!