NH24 Hosted Student Distribution Phase 2 Begins March 28

NH24 Hosted Student Distribution Phase 2 Begins March 28

Thank you to all Volunteers and Staff for your continued efforts to place NH24 participants. We’re off to a strong start thanks to our collective efforts. 

To-date, all students have been released for placement as Nationally available. As we approach the release of all participants accepted for the NH24 cycle, we will now shift to Phase 2 of our student distribution. 

Beginning March 28, there will be a pause on student holds for German, Italian and Thai CORE participants and Pakistan, Indonesia, and Turkey YES Students, so that any students without a pending placement, can be made Regionally Available starting the following week (April 1) 

Field Staff will represent their Region’s Area Teams’ preferences/placement limitations – and ensure that an appropriate balance of participant characteristics are represented in each Regional participant pool.  

Directly thereafter, German, Italian and Thai CORE and Pakistan, Indonesia, and Turkey YES Students will be linked to Regions as Regionally Available by AFS-USA Hosting Operations staff 

During Phase 2, Regional Volunteers will have the opportunity to get to know specific students to share with schools, Area Team volunteers, and potential host families 

Regional volunteers are encouraged at this time to: 

  • Make adjustments to student bios to ensure they are well-positioned for placement in their Region/local communities 
  • Share bios in your community/Area Team/schools and work to identify families for these specific students with resources and support from your Regional Field Specialist 

After this date, any German, Italian and Thai CORE and Pakistan, Indonesia, and Turkey YES Students who are yet to be distributed will be allocated equitably (and ensuring a balance of placement characteristics) by Hosting Operations as they are accepted. This phase is intended to focus attention of staff and volunteers on German, Italian and Thai participants – some of our larger groups of participants. 

For more information on the NH24 Distribution Process please visit this link on MyAFS Help & Learning.

Thanks to all for your continued efforts to place our NH24 students!