NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Interviews 2021-2022: Thank You!

NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Interviews 2021-2022: Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021-2022 NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interviews! Due to your hard work and commitment, we have successfully completed another great interview season! With your help, over 1,100 candidates were interviewed all across the U.S. and overseas. This is an amazing accomplishment, and we would not be able to do it without the dedication of our incredible volunteers and program alumni!

We hope you enjoyed meeting some outstanding students throughout this process. Finalists will be notified according to the following schedule:

  • NSLI-Y finalist notifications will occur on a rolling basis through April 22, 2022. All finalists will receive information about their implementing organization and the location of their program when they receive the official scholarship offer. Summer program finalists will have seven days to accept or decline the NSLI-Y scholarship. Academic year program finalists will have 14 days to accept or decline the scholarship.
  • YES Abroad finalist notifications will be sent on a rolling basis in March. Those candidates selected as finalists will receive their country placement at that time and will be notified of their next steps and follow-up responsibilities. YES finalists will have seven days to accept or decline the YES scholarship.

If you have any additional questions about the interview season, please direct them to nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org.

Thank you again for your great support!

The AFS NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Interviews Team


Outbound Sponsored Programs


YES Abroad