NSLI-Y NH21 Selection, Summer, Year Program Updates

NSLI-Y NH21 Selection, Summer, Year Program Updates

Please note that this message is internal and for reference by AFS-USA Volunteers regarding the NSLI-Y program.

Warm greetings and we hope this message finds you well!

Thank you so much for your support of the NSLI-Y program! The NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interview season concluded in early April and American Councils has been selecting and notifying NSLI-Y Finalists and Alternates and upgrading Alternates where Finalists have declined. Staff at AFS have been working to prepare the virtual summer and in-person year programs implemented by AFS.

NSLI-Y Summer Program
As a reminder, AFS NSLI-Y will implement four summer virtual programs: Hindi (India), Russian (Russia), Indonesian (Indonesia), and Mandarin Chinese (China) –full details are here. We are working with 55 participants, and we’re excited to build upon the successes of last summer’s summer virtual NSLI-Y program, which you can learn more about here. With the program occurring virtually, summer AFS NSLI-Y participants will not participate in in-home interviews or PDOs.

NSLI-Y Year Program
AFS will be implementing the NSLI-Y NH21 year programs for 16 participants to India (Hindi), Turkey (Turkish), and China (Mandarin Chinese). The U.S. Department of State has directed AFS to continue planning for in-person programs at this time, and students have been informed that the U.S. Department of State expects to share an update about in-person program feasibility by June 30, 2021. We will update MyAFS News once we have further information to share in that regard.

As we continue to plan for an in-person program, we ask that volunteers also continue to move forward with coordinating in-home interviews and inviting NSLI-Y year program participants to local PDOs. Local volunteers may offer orientations virtually or in-person depending on local guidelines. If an in-person event takes place, a virtual option should also be available to those who do not wish to attend in person.

Finalist Sections
We appreciate the work done by volunteers to conduct the interview season, especially given the very challenging circumstances this year. American Councils has informed AFS that we can expect information about Finalist selections in early to mid-June. Once we have that data, we’ll share it with volunteers who worked on the season, so you can identify the selection status of the candidates you interviewed.

We would like to again thank again all volunteers who have assisted with the NSLI-Y NH21 program, and we look forward to sharing highlights from our summer and year programs with you in the coming months. Please reach us with any questions and concerns about NSLI-Y at 646-751-2238 or NSLIforYouth@afsusa.org.

With our appreciation and warm regards,

Melissa and Allen

Melissa Rossi, NSLI-Y Specialist
Allen Evans, Manager, Outbound Sponsored Programs