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AFS in the Media

A Deaf Student’s Exchange Experience in the U.S. Justin Gonzalez, a YES Student from the Philippines, was cautious about applying to the program because he is deaf. His anxieties melted away when he realized that his host parents are also hard of hearing and that his host school was accommodating to his learning needs. Read […]

AFS in the Media

AFS Student Writes Letter to Host Mother An AFS Student hosted in Washington published a letter expressing his gratitude to his Host Mom on Mother’s Day. Read his letter at HeraldNet. AFS Host Family and Exchange Students Reminisce about the Past Several Months For the Penvoses, hosting exchange students allowed them to learn about diverse […]

AFS in the Media

YES Student’s Experience at the UNICEF Annual Summit An AFS-hosted YES Student, Isheka Agarwal, talks about the inspirational experience she had at the UNICEF Annual Summit.  Encouraged by the event, she plans to start a UNICEF club back home and hopes to start a children’s health program in her community. Read her story at YES […]

AFS in the Media

AFS Students Talk About Life in Minnesota Four AFS Students, who spent eight months studying abroad in Marshall, Minnesota, shared their experience with residents at a community center last week. Read about each of the students’ experiences at Marshall Independent.   Local Cleveland High School Celebrates AFS Just in time for AFS-USA’s National Volunteer Assembly […]

AFS in the Media

How Studying Abroad Has Broadened an AFSer’s Perspective Kyla McKim had a fruitful study abroad experience in Germany last year. As the recipient of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange scholarship program, she traveled from Pennsylvania to Germany to study abroad for 10 months. During her time as an exchange student, she learned how to assimilate to […]

AFS in the Media

AFS-USA Returnee is New President of George Washington University Earlier this month, George Washington University (GWU) published a profile featuring their new president, Thomas LeBlanc. LeBlanc is an AFS Returnee who had a transformative study abroad experience in Brazil in 1972, according to his interview.  Learn more about the new president of GWU and his […]

AFS in the Media

AFS Alumna Helps Create Intercultural Guide for Americans Abroad This is a notable example of how an AFS Alumna has leveraged her intercultural skills to further her career. Pamela Berland Ex, an AFS Returnee who studied abroad in Bosnia from 1975 to 1976, currently works for the Career Services team at the U.S. Department of […]