Recognition for Schools Hosting for the First Time

Recognition for Schools Hosting for the First Time

As a means to celebrate schools who have chosen to accept an AFS student for the first time, we are recognizing each of them with a certificate and a reminder of the tremendous variety of intercultural resources and opportunities that AFS-USA can offer to them at no cost as an AFS partner school.

Additionally, schools that have had a 10+ year hiatus from hosting an AFS student have likely had a transition of school leadership, so we are celebrating them as well. If you are a local volunteer and know of a school who should be receiving one of these certificates, please reach out to your School Partnerships Coordinator (found in the MyAFS Team Directory) or email and let us know so we can ensure those schools are celebrated! Please remember if that if the local volunteers are seeking the Placement Acceptance Forms, AFS-USA staff may not know that there’s a new school out there to celebrate!