Register for the Upcoming Volunteer Town Hall

Register for the Upcoming Volunteer Town Hall

These are challenging times for so many facets of our lives, whether individually, collectively, or, in the case of AFS-USA, organizationally. AFS-USA has been working with AFS partners around the world to map a path forward in the midst of ever-changing circumstances.

Join Tara Hofmann, CEO and President, and Mary Jo Brock, Chief Officer of Field Operations and Organizational Development, for an AFS-USA Volunteer Town Hall on Thursday, July 23rd, at 8:00 PM ET.

In order to attend, you’ll need to register (as space is limited). If you have questions on your mind, please submit them beforehand here.

Register now

We look forward to seeing you there!

– Your friends at AFS-USA

PS: If you can’t make it, we’ll record and post the Town Hall on MyAFS.