Remembering Damayonti Sengupta

Remembering Damayonti Sengupta

On January 26th, AFS-USA lost a friend and former staff member, Damayonti Sengupta. Damayonti touched the lives of many AFS-USA volunteers and staff and she served as a constant source of positive energy. At AFS-USA, Damayonti held a number of positions and, eventually, she moved on to AFS International where she managed training efforts on a global scale.


Among her parting words is this appeal to all members of her global family:

Please make a conscious effort to give your time to help others and dispense small acts of kindness throughout your daily activities. When feeling irritated, angry or jealous, or whatever difficult emotion arises, before reacting, consider pausing and taking a breath or three. Connect with the loving-kindness in your own heart. Consider that you don’t really know what that other person is going through. If it helps to think of me, please do. They, in turn are just trying to be happy in their own way. Smile or say/do something kind instead of any harmful/hurtful communication. Practice this with close loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. Life is too short to not spread loving kindness with each other. The time of death is uncertain. Prepare your life to gather love around you and leave the trace of love following you. Every single one of us (including myself of course) can find ways to be kinder each and every day. It makes a difference!

AFS-USA will honor Damayonti’s countless contributions to our goals and values by making a donation to a charity for which she was passionate – Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.