Seeking Area Team Volunteer Marketing Coordinators/Outreach Leaders!

Seeking Area Team Volunteer Marketing Coordinators/Outreach Leaders!

Do you enjoy doing local AFS promotion in your area? Are you the go-to for your area team’s social media needs (or would you like to be)? Consider signing up to be your area team’s Volunteer Marketing Coordinator/Outreach Leader! We are looking for volunteers interested in leveling up their local marketing/outreach skills. Those who express interest will be part of a nationwide group of volunteers dedicated to furthering marketing and outreach efforts at the local level. You could showcase and develop your promotional skills, network with other volunteers and community members, coordinate or participate in fun activities to spread the word about AFS, and more! If interested, please email with your name and area team. We look forward to working with you! 

PS: Please also consider joining our Social Media and Marketing Workplace Group! This is a great group to share ideas, best practices, and connect with AFS-USA staff and other volunteers.