Sponsored Programs Host Family Recruitment Funds

Sponsored Programs Host Family Recruitment Funds

Host Family Recruitment is now in full swing and we’ve gotten a few questions about the Sponsored Programs Host Family Recruitment Funds.

All Area Teams have $500 of Host Family Recruitment Funds available for the 2022-23 hosting season. $1000 are available to Area Teams new to hosting ECA Programs students. Once you have an idea of how you’d like to spend these funds, we ask that you fill out this form to submit your project proposal. The form will ask you to outline the project along with indicating whether you need marketing design support. If you do need marketing design support, you can enter the specifications for the design you are seeking on this form.

If your projects require more funds than allotted, additional funds may be available, but you must submit a request. You can direct any questions about planned activities and anticipated additional expenditures to Karen Mills at kmills@afsusa.org for internal review and approval.

As a reminder, Sponsored Programs logos/branding must be on all ads, flyers, etc when utilizing SP funds. Here are two logo strips that you can use in advertising:

We continue to request that you submit all expense reports and receipts electronically, instead of mailing them into the NY office. Please be sure to submit receipts and an expense report to Karen Mills at kmills@afsusa.org in order to be reimbursed for these advertising expenses.

Resources on My AFS Help & Learning:

Please let us know if you have any questions!