Did you know that the School Outreach team gives you templates to help facilitate communication with schools?
Tag: Educator
Is your team ready to share some love with schools for Valentine’s Day?
Do you ever wonder if the tools that School Outreach Volunteers receive would benefit you? Now’s your chance to find out!!
The new PAF Receiver Affiliation is designed to make it clearer to whom at a school or district the Placement Acceptance Form should be sent when seeking formal student approval.
Is being a facilitator a part of volunteering with AFS-USA that you enjoy? We hope so!
Nominate a Global Educator or Global School Today!
The September 2022 Edition of the Global Educator Newsletter is now available! Please share these opportunities and resources with educators in your community. Thank you!
How much do you REALLY know about the resources AFS has to offer to schools?
You asked and we listened! A handy new “Remove” button makes it even easier to update school information in MyAFS.
MyAFS and Global Link have been revamped to make it easier for volunteers to edit and add individuals who work in schools.