Registration deadline approaching, you still have time to sign up!
Tag: Hosting
Phase Two of this year’s hosting distribution plan will begin on May 1, 2023
AFS-USA has partnered with AFS-International to launch the first ever AFS Global Host Family Survey. If you have ever hosted an AFS student, please complete the survey!
We recently announced the rebranding of our hosted student bio sheets and get to knows, making them more engaging, informational, and multipurpose. After a week of these updates being “live”, we gathered additional feedback and suggestions from volunteers, and are implementing some adjustments/improvements.
Do you regularly use student bio sheets and get to knows to share hosted student information with potential host families? We have an update for you!
Have you heard? AFS-USA just launched a new monthly newsletter for host families called the Global Family Explorer! View the first edition of the Global Family Explorer here.
Phase Two of this year’s hosting distribution plan will begin on May 1, 2023
The new Meet the Students tool on, developed in consultation with both AFS-USA staff and volunteers, is intended as a promotional tool for potential host families.
Share this new video to promote AFS-USA hosting opportunities!
Visit to listen to this new episode! Description: In this episode, we hear from Erika from Norway and her host sister Jessica. Erika is in the middle of her exchange year in Ohio. Our second interview is a conversation with former host sister Janne Debes, who is still close with her Japanese host sister after more […]