Our newest marketing initiative, “Before you know it,” illustrates how quickly the bonds between host families and exchange students are formed.
Tag: Hosting
Come join us August 12th or 14th to talk about how to secure families for all of our students by August 31st.
Thai students are extremely friendly, open-minded, and beloved among our host families!
Some updates have been made to the host family handbook – a summary of the changes is available.
Liaisons- as we prepare for our NH19 students’ arrivals, please take note of some changes that have been made to these forms!
Join us for an upcoming webinar to learn more about AFS and get your questions answered!
It’s no secret that AFS Alumni go on to make extraordinary impacts on their communities. In our newest blog post, we interviewed AFS Alum Stephen Zhang about his stellar academic achievements, the importance of embracing cultural differences, and how he’s created a home for himself in the U.S. Share our blog with families interested in […]
These informational flyers can be used as intercultural learning resources or as promotional material and can be found on MyAFS Help & Learning in the Promote AFS section.
You are invited to join a Volunteer Town Hall call with AFS-USA’s President, Tara Hofmann, on Thursday, July 25 at 8pm EDT (7pm CDT, 6pm MDT, 5pm PDT).
The new Student Highlight Feature in MyAFS will spotlight specific students still needing host families.