How cool is this intercultural learning tool! Join us for the Webinar on July 24 at 8 pm ET- 7 pm CT- 6 pm MT-
5 pm PT and find out.
Tag: Hosting
As Arrivals are fast approaching, we’d like to remind all volunteers that hosted students must not share a bed during any overnight AFS Orientation or Event, including Arrivals.
Check out a new 14-minute video tutorial on using Hosting Lead Management!
All volunteers are invited to join webinar in July to learn more about our Government-Sponsored hosting programs.
We have added a new feature to Hosting Lead Management in Global Link, allowing you to tag hosting leads as “Hot.”
Champions Month is a nationwide initiative that focuses our host family recruitment on select AFS Exchange Students arriving in the U.S. this fall.
In honor of Champions Month, a nationwide initiative to assist in host family recruitment for select groups of AFS Exchange Students arriving this August, share our Italian Students Talking Points! These talking points are a great tool to speak with host families about what makes hosting Italian students so special.
Join us for a June webinar on best practices for conducting host family orientations.
AFS-JPN must provide a confirmed list of 1st arrival students to their travel agency by June 19, 2019.
In our newest blog, we discuss how and why rural areas are ideal places to experience cultural exchange. We explore the benefits of rural living like small-town high school spirit, traditional folk cultures, tightknit communities, and more! Since exchange students often bring intriguing, unfamiliar cultures to a community, they are likely to be recognized, valued, and […]