Thank you to everyone who participated in the NH24 NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interviews season!
Tag: Scholarships
Promote AFS-USA scholarship opportunities with this creative kit!
Join us for a Study Abroad National Call on February 27 at 8PM ET
Please join us for the AFS NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Interviewer Training Webinars in preparation for the interview season from December through January!
Learn more about the exciting changes to our study abroad application and scholarships!
Have you been looking for another summer scholarship opportunity to share with local teens and their teachers?
Join us to learn about the new Global Citizen Scholarship and Aid process, new application process, available programs, and more!
We are happy to announce that the 2024-25 application season has arrived! CBYX, YES Abroad, and NSLI-Y are accepting applications for NH24 through early November/December!
AFS-USA is committed to making studying abroad more accessible to high school students from all backgrounds who possess the unique qualities needed for success on an AFS transformative program.
Today, I am pleased to share with our volunteers exciting news about our study abroad programs and fundraising.