We’re excited to share four amazing summer programs to make this summer unforgettable!
Tag: Sending
The BP Global STEM Academies Scholarship provides an incredible study abroad opportunity for aspiring scientists, engineers, technologists, and mathematicians.
Be sure to get the word out on these amazing Study Abroad Scholarship opportunities!
We’re ringing in the New Year with a new study abroad scholarship! The Visual Storyteller Scholarship is perfect for students who are interested in documenting unfamiliar cultures and experiences abroad with creativity, honesty, and empathy.
We’ve written a helpful new blog, How to Write a Great Essay for the Project: Change Scholarships, to demystify the essay writing process. Share it today!
See a list of all schools in your team and their hosting and study abroad history with AFS!
As we get fully integrated into the new field staff structure, we created a helpful cheat sheet for volunteers to better understand the role of each of their staff people.
Thank you to all AFS-USA volunteers that attended and participated in the Study Abroad 101 Town Hall!
We are gearing up for the NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interview season! This is an exciting volunteer opportunity to complete interviews for NSLI-Y and YES Abroad.
Marketing has created three new posters to promote our Project: Change Scholarship, Study Abroad programs, and the other ways people can get involved with AFS.