Update for AFS-USA Volunteers About Shortened Sending Programs

Update for AFS-USA Volunteers About Shortened Sending Programs

Please note that this message is internal and for reference by AFS-USA Volunteers regarding outbound students (AFS-USA sending).

As you may already be aware, AFS-USA sending participants (“outbound”) are being returned home. For the American YES Abroad and NSLI-Y students, as well as the American and German CBYX students, this direction came from the U.S. Department of State. The message sent from AFS-USA President, Tara Hofmann earlier this week outlined the decision for non-sponsored “core” participants.

Staff at AFS-USA worked closely with AFS partners to arrange for student return travel, where possible and safe, and where participants were fit to travel.

  • American and German CBYX students returned home earlier this week.
  • American YES Abroad and NSLI-Y students have returned home, or are returning, this week.
  • American core participants are returning home on a rolling basis, beginning earlier this week and continuing through next week.

As Tara has expressed, this is an unprecedented undertaking, and we are responding to individual requests as best we are able. As you can imagine, staff across departments at AFS-USA are working hard during this busy period to communicate with our overseas partners and natural families, and to coordinate return travel and logistics. Participants and their natural families are aware of whom to contact with questions or concerns. We would like to express our appreciation to all AFS-USA volunteers for your help and support of AFS participants during this difficult time. Following are email addresses for questions; please remember that all participant emergencies should be directed to the AFS-USA Duty Officer.

With warm regards,

Justin and Allen

Justin DeAndrade, Senior Manager Study Abroad Experience & Operations
Allen Evans, Manager, Outbound Sponsored Programs