Updated Host Family Handbook, Addendum, and HFO Materials

Updated Host Family Handbook, Addendum, and HFO Materials

Updated Host Family Handbook and Addendum 

Some changes have been made to the Host Family Handbook for the 2021-22 cycle as well as the Host Family Handbook Addendum which was originally created last year to address COVID-19 specific information for Host Families.  Both PDF documents can be found on the Host Family Resources page of the website.  You can also find a sharable summary of the changes here.

Also, the following email was sent to all 2021 Host Families who already received the link to the previous version of the handbook:


Warm greetings from AFS-USA.

We have made some updates to our Host Family Handbook that we would like to share with you. Please find a link to the new version here along with other helpful resources including an important addendum addressing COIVD-19 specific information. You can also find a summary of the changes here.

Thank you once again for applying to host an AFS student this year!

Kind Regards,
AFS-USA Hosting Team


Updated HFO Materials

Updated 2021-22 cycle Host Family Orientation materials have been made available on Help & Learning.

Please note that introductory information about the NEW Global Family Tools platform, an online tool designed to provide Host Families with information and resources needed for a successful hosting experience, has been included.  The tool is set to launch to all Host Families in July of 2021, and you can learn more about the tool and how to promote it to Host Families here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to hosting@afsusa.org. Thank you!