Updates & Clarifications to Volunteer Reimbursement Process

Updates & Clarifications to Volunteer Reimbursement Process

In an effort to alleviate volunteer confusion around the volunteer reimbursements process, several updates and clarifications have been made to the Volunteer Expense Reimbursement and Vendor Payment Process page on MyAFS Help & Learning. A summary of changes includes:

  • Updated Expense Report form, with current budget codes and current mileage reimbursement guidelines (65.5 cents / mile).
  • Clarification about the approval process.
  • Clarification about where to send requests for payment.
  • Clarification regarding the turnaround time for requests.

Please note there is a strong preference for reimbursement or payment requests to be emailed to fieldfinance@afsusa.org, rather than mailing hard copies to the National Office in New York. Emailing the request(s) will expedite the reimbursement timeline by at least a week.

If you have questions, please direct them to fieldfinance@afsusa.org or to askafs@afsusa.org.