Volunteer Awards Relaunch

Volunteer Awards Relaunch

The Volunteer Recognition Committee is happy to announce that we are reopening the nomination period of the Emerging Leader Award, the Mission Award, and the Dream Team Award, as well as opening the nomination period for the Galatti Award and the Howe Family Award. Nominations submitted during the original nomination period do not need to be resubmitted.

The new nomination period for all awards is May 10 – June 30, 2020. Award descriptions, nominee criteria, and nomination forms will all be available on each award’s MyAFS Help & Learning page on May 10, 2020.

The Emerging Leader Award recognizes an individual who shows the potential to be a future leader within the AFS-USA volunteer structure of their chapter or team. The Mission Award recognizes an outstanding volunteer who has made a significant impact in promoting the core values and mission of AFS-USA through their leadership. The Dream Team Award recognizes teams for exceptional and outstanding service that benefits AFS-USA volunteers in more than one area of volunteer development and recognition.

The USA honorees of the Galatti Award and the Howe Award will be submitted to AFS-International for consideration of the international award. The Galatti Award honors AFS Volunteers whose commitment and dedication to the organization have advanced the mission and goals of AFS. The Peggy and Art Howe Award recognizes and celebrates a family of volunteers that works together to promote AFS and support diversity and inclusion.

So get ready to nominate! The new nomination period for all awards is May 10 – June 30, 2020. Questions not addressed on each award’s MyAFS Help & Learning page can be sent to volrecognition@afsusa.org.