Final Update for Summer 2021 Programs

Final Update for Summer 2021 Programs

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

Over the past several months AFS-USA has been working closely with our network partners to determine the feasibility of operating in-person summer programs for 2021. After careful consideration, it was determined that AFS-USA would need to suspend the remaining summer programs that were still being considered for in-person programming. The suspension of the summer programs to Denmark, France, and Spain confirms that all in-person summer programs for 2021 have been postponed until 2022. This decision was difficult, but due to continued uncertainty related to entry requirements, quarantines, and potential travel interruptions, it was decided that it is in the best interest of our applicants to postpone in-person summer programming until 2022.

We are happy to announce that we have offered virtual program options and are also providing a $500 discount towards a 2022 program for applicants that had their summer program canceled.

We want to thank all of the volunteers who have worked with summer applicants over the past several months and have assisted in conducting interviews. We are continuing to work with applicants for our Year and Semester Fall 2021 programs and as of today, we have 118 participants confirmed to 25 destinations!

Please see the most recent update that we have sent to applicants and parents in line for Summer 2021 programs:

Dear Summer Applicants and Families,

We hope you enjoyed a long and meaningful Memorial Day weekend. We’re reaching out with our update on AFS USA’s Summer Programs and want to thank you for joining us as we have navigated challenging circumstances.

After thoughtful and thorough considerations, AFS-USA has made the decision to suspend our remaining programs to Denmark, France, and Spain. This confirms that AFS-USA has suspended all in-person summer 2021 programs.  

This decision was not made lightly and was primarily made because the safety and experience of our participants is our organization’s highest value. As we began the process of identifying risks and paths forward, we shared that we could not run programs if entry conditions did not permit us to move forward. As of this email, our programs are not permitted to run based on current entry requirements, including mandated quarantines. Although these entry requirements may change between now and the scheduled program’s beginning, waiting for policy to change increases the likelihood of travel interruptions and prevents us from providing concrete travel details that our participants and families deserve. Due to the importance of responsibly administering our programs with operational excellence, AFS must make decisions based on information that is currently available.

Like you, we’re ultimately saddened that we could not offer these in-person experiences for you this summer and encourage you to continue to pursue meaningful intercultural experiences. In this manner, we’re happy to offer:

  • $500 Discount on an in-person AFS Program in 2022 (Semester, Year, Summer 2022). AFS-USA will need to re-confirm your eligibility for a 2022 program.
  • Free Virtual Transatlantic Media Camp with AFS-Germany: Click here to learn more about this program.
    • This free online program connects 12 students from Germany and 12 students from the United States to learn about each other’s cultures and connect around common workshops and discussions on media and journalism. More information is available here, and you can sign up here. As this program is limited to 12 U.S. students, AFS-Germany will admit those based on the time of your sign-up!
  • 50% off of Global You Adventurer Programs 
    • AFS is providing a 50% discount on AFS’ Global You Adventurer virtual programming to Summer Participants through the coupon code SUMMER21 when you sign up here. Global You Adventurer is a 5-week interactive virtual exchange program, open to teens (aged 14-17) anywhere in the world, to develop key 21st-century global skills and build bridges across cultures. Earn the AFS Global Competence Certificate and meet new global peers along the way. New cohorts start every two weeks. Learn more here or email with any questions.

Looking forward, we want to hear from you regarding your preferred options for your current application. Please respond to this email with one of the following options:  

  • I am interested in moving my application for a 2022 program for consideration. Let us know which program and we will re-confirm your eligibility and apply the $500 discount!
  • I am not interested, or unable to participate in a 2022 program and would like to withdraw my application. Per our COVID-19 return policy, AFS-USA will refund the $500 program deposit for applicants that have paid.

We thank you for your interest and passion for studying abroad and hope that an AFS experience is part of your future plans. As always, if you have any additional questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact our Study Abroad Team at

With appreciation,

Caitlin Schneider & Justin DeAndrade

The Study Abroad Team at AFS-USA