#GivingTuesdayNow | Join AFS-USA in Action

#GivingTuesdayNow | Join AFS-USA in Action

In the coming days through Tuesday May 5, AFS-USA will be joining the global generosity movement, #GivingTuesdayNow, with a flash social media campaign in support of AFS-USA and our efforts to continue to make the world a more just and peaceful place during these extraordinary times.

We invite AFS-USA Staff and Volunteers to engage with our upcoming social media posts and share the campaign with AFS friends and communities. A simple text from you or a repost can make a big difference. Our goal is to get as many AFSers as possible to participate at any level. Every gift counts!

Link to Donation Page

Remember…AFSers like you are made for times like these. AFS was founded in 1947 by World War I and II American Field Service Volunteer Ambulance Drivers in response to a global crisis. Acting quickly and well in times of great need is in our DNA. Please share this fundraising campaign with your networks and help create more global citizens who will follow in our founders footsteps. Thank you for everything you do in support of the AFS Mission!