Have You Met Your Team’s New Volunteers?

Have You Met Your Team’s New Volunteers?

Now that we are in week 10 of the Volunteer Recruitment Campaign and we have 127 new volunteers across the country, we think it’s a good time to share volunteer engagement resources. Have you met your team’s new volunteers? You can see them highlighted at the top of the All Volunteers list in the MyAFS Team widget.

As we go through the campaign, we know that there are many layers to volunteer recruitment. Now that we have new volunteers, how do we induct them into the teams? Many of us are rusty at this process since it may have been a few years since we welcomed a new volunteer into the team.

Worry no more; the Volunteer Onboarding unit has created resources to help any team find their way. Recently, we held a webinar to highlight the recruitment process and what local teams can do to help integrate new members.

Whether you are looking for a liaison for a student arriving in August or hope to build your hosting team, these new volunteers are registered and ready to go; you simply need to introduce yourselves!

Top 3 things you can do to connect with a new volunteer:

  • Call them and introduce yourself or hold a team meet & greet event.
  • Invite them out for coffee or to help at a local tabling event like a farmer’s market.
  • Get them involved in the AFS project that you’re working on!

Recording of the webinar

Link to H&L resources

The campaign is only at the halfway mark, so please be sure to invite new folks to join the AFS family here.

Volunteer Onboarding Unit