Sample Social Media Posts: #KLYES Program

Sample Social Media Posts: #KLYES Program

Here are some great sample social media posts to use when recruiting host families for YES Pogram Students!


One of the important objectives of the #KLYES program is to help students and their communities experience differences in culture and religion. One YES student, Zaid, used his year in Indiana to build bridges of understanding and focus on interfaith harmony, clarifying misunderstandings about Muslims in talks around his host community. We are looking for host families! Learn more about hosting: #WhyHostingMatters #AFSUSA #SayYesToYES

Image with story link:


The #KLYES program helps students and their host communities exp. differences in culture & religion. Zaid built understanding and interfaith harmony, clarifying misconceptions about Muslims in his host community. Learn more about hosting: #WhyHostingMatters #AFSUSA #SayYesToYES

Image with story link:


Could your community benefit from a student who is trying to make the world a better place? Oumou is just one example of our #KYLES students making a difference by volunteering with Civitan, a service organization in her host community of Hope, AR. Learn more about hosting: #WhyHostingMatters #AFSUSA #SayYesToYES

Images at the story link:


Could your community benefit from a student trying to make the world a better place? Oumou is a YES student who volunteered with Civitan, a local organization in her host community, Hope, AR. Learn more about hosting: #WhyHostingMatters #AFSUSA #SayYesToYES

Images at the story link:


“Taghreed talks about how cool this experience has been for her, but it’s also been a really cool experience for us as well, just to have her on our team” – Chico High (CA) Wrestling Coach. Sports are a huge part of our culture that we get to share with our #KLYES students. Learn about hosting a student like Taghreed in your community:
#AFSUSA #WhyHostingMatters #SayYesToYES


“Taghreed talks about how cool this experience has been for her, but it’s also been a really cool experience…just to have her on our team”. Sports are one part of our culture we share with #KLYES students.

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“Kwa pamoja tunaweza” – “Let’s do it together” in Swahili. Rose’s year as a #KLYES student changed the minds of people in her community with her personality and perspective. How could hosting a YES student change your community’s perspective? #SayYesToYES


“Kwa pamoja tunaweza” – “Let’s do it together” in Swahili. Rose’s #KLYES exchange changed the minds of people in her community with her personality and perspective. How could hosting a YES exchange student change your community? #SayYesToYES

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If you have any questions or need additional materials, please email us at, thank you!