Individuals Can Make Change

Individuals Can Make Change

Creating change within a community, big or small, is a key value of AFS-USA and one that is proven true every day by volunteers like you.

Empowering individuals to create change in their communities requires wholehearted encouragement, mentoring, and support from AFS staff, and most importantly, from fellow volunteers.

We are looking for volunteers with a passion for building relationships with other volunteers and strengthening their AFS communities. Is this you? If so, we invite you to join us as we prioritize volunteer engagement locally, regionally, and nationally. Perhaps you’re interested in a small task requiring less than one hour per month, or maybe you are ready to take on a larger role and participate in training and planning at our national AFS-USA Volunteer Summit in November.

Volunteerism is at the heart of the AFS mission. We need your time and talent to sustain it. Join us by filling out this short form and we’ll be in touch soon.