July 2021 Update for AFS-USA Volunteers about NSLI-Y and YES Abroad 2021-22 Programs

July 2021 Update for AFS-USA Volunteers about NSLI-Y and YES Abroad 2021-22 Programs

Please note that this message is internal and for reference by AFS-USA Volunteers regarding the NSLI-Y and YES Abroad 2021-22 programs.

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

Warm greetings and we hope this message finds you well!

This is an important update about the YES Abroad and NSLI-Y 2021-22 year-programs. Decisions about the YES Abroad and NSLI-Y programs are independent of and do not have any bearing on other programs, including any flagship (core) programs, nor to the inbound YES to USA hosting program.

The U.S. Department of State recently informed YES Abroad and NSLI-Y NH21 year-program participants of their country-specific program statuses, as summarized below. With some AFS- and non-AFS-implemented programs approved for in-person programming this fall and others not, the State Department took a different approach from the NH20 virtual program.

While this is not the outcome that many participants, volunteers, and staff were hoping for, we are encouraged that many participants will have the opportunity to travel to an alternative destination and/or potentially travel in the late fall or winter.

As a reminder, AFS is implementing four NSLI-Y summer 2021 programs virtually: Hindi (India), Russian (Russia), Indonesian (Indonesia), and Mandarin Chinese (China). You can find full details here.

Following is country-specific program status information for all AFS-implemented YES Abroad and NSLI-Y NH21 year programs.

NSLI-Y Year-Program

  • Turkish (Turkey): NSLI-Y participants to Turkey remain scheduled to depart for an in-person program commencing in September, barring deterioration in local conditions.
  • Chinese (China): NSLI-Y participants to China will begin learning Chinese virtually, traveling to China on a delayed start, departing between November and February, conditions permitting.
  • Hindi (India): NSLI-Y participants are not approved to travel to India this year. Hindi students have been offered the opportunity to opt for reassignment to learn Arabic (Morocco), Korean (South Korea), or Turkish (Turkey).

YES Abroad

  • Turkey: YES Abroad participants to Turkey remain scheduled to depart for an in-person program commencing in September, barring deterioration in local conditions.
  • Ghana and Thailand: YES Abroad participants to Ghana and Thailand will depart between November and February, conditions permitting. Since the State Department does not expect to confirm until the late fall if conditions will permit travel, these students also have the opportunity to opt for reassignment to another YES Abroad destination at this time.
  • Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines: YES Abroad participants are not approved to travel to these countries this year. Students have been offered the opportunity to opt for reassignment to another YES Abroad destination.

YES Abroad participants opting for reassignment may be placed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Jordan, Morocco, North Macedonia, Senegal, or Turkey. Capacity limitations may prevent the State Department from placing all students who opt for placement in a new country, and priority will be given to NH20 YES Abroad participants who completed that virtual program.

We sincerely thank our volunteers for their support in this meaningful program, and appreciate the flexibility of participants in continuing with a virtual program during these difficult times. Please reach us at the contact details following with any questions or concerns. Volunteers receiving questions from YES Abroad or NSLI-Y NH21 year-program participants should please also direct them to the program staff listed following.

With our best wishes,

Heather, Melissa, and Allen

Heather Jackson, YES Abroad Specialist
Melissa Rossi, NSLI-Y Specialist
Allen Evans, Manager, Outbound Sponsored Programs