New Cultural Webinars for Educators (& Culture Enthusiasts)

New Cultural Webinars for Educators (& Culture Enthusiasts)

As a thank you to educators during Teacher Appreciation Week, some of our AFS partner countries volunteered to share their culture with US educators and their students. They shared about home/family life, school/education, nutrition/wellness, art/culture and global challenges. All webinars were recorded so volunteers can enjoy the same information AND volunteers can share them with educators as these are great resources that can be used in the classroom both for in-person and virtual instructional settings.

Educators will need as many digital resources as possible in the upcoming school year. Read the full article about how to share these with educators and how to access the webinars from Australia, Brazil, Chile, India, Spain, Thailand and Tunisia. Some are available in more than one language!

If you are interested in supporting schools and educators during this unprecedented time in education, please reach out to us at! We’ll help you get started!