New Podcast Episode Out Now! AFS: A Masterclass in Empathy, Confidence, and Global Citizenship

New Podcast Episode Out Now! AFS: A Masterclass in Empathy, Confidence, and Global Citizenship

We hope you’ll take some time to listen to the most recent episode of the AFS Exchange Podcast featuring Tatyana Sergeyeva.

Tatyana Sergeyeva, a Russian cultural exchange advocate, shares her inspiring journey as an AFS exchange student to Iowa in the early ’90s during the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union. She credits her AFS experience with helping her develop essential skills like empathy, confidence, and language fluency, which have shaped her diverse career and global outlook.

Tatyana, who now lives in Chicago, has worked in a variety of industries, including academia, e-learning, publishing, international consulting, and financial services. She’s also a passionate language learner, having studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese.

Join us as we explore Tatyana’s journey and the lasting impact of her AFS experience on her personal and professional life. Learn how she’s used her skills and values to build bridges across cultures and make a positive impact on the world.

Listen to the podcast here: