NSLI-Y & YES Abroad Interview Candidates Available in GL!

NSLI-Y & YES Abroad Interview Candidates Available in GL!

NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Interview Candidates Now Available!

Great news! You can now find the contact information for the NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interview candidates in your area on Global Link with the Responsible Org: NSLI and YES-A and the Program Code IPnsNH23 and YPysNH23.

If you have any trouble accessing this information, you can follow the Global Link instructions on the MyAFS Help & Learning Page or contact our SIC staff – nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org for further assistance. Please reach out to your local Interview Coordinator volunteer or SIC staff-member for next steps for scheduling and conducting interviews! Kindly note that SICs will also share the list of students for your area with your Interview Coordinator in an Excel email attachment, as there may be a few discrepancies with what is seen in Global Link due to the hybrid virtual and in-person interview season and each AT’s capability.

Timeline & Deadlines

Kindly prioritize the scheduling and completion of interviews for summer candidates for: Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Hindi, and Mandarin semi-finalists; the deadline for these programs is first. In the SIC shared Excel, these priority candidates are listed first.

As a reminder, NSLI-Y/YES Abroad interview forms must be submitted 72 hours after the interview is conducted. The 2022/23 interview form has been released (found here), and you can begin reaching out to students today! Reach out to your IC or SIC for scheduling virtual individual interviews as well as virtual interview events, see below for more details! All interview forms must be submitted on or before February 1, 2023.

Resources for Conducting Interviews Virtually

Interviews may be conducted in-person or virtually, depending on local conditions and the comfort of the interviewer and the student.

For virtual interviews, we strongly recommend using Calendly to schedule and Zoom to conduct virtual interviews. These are reliable, secure platforms. AFS staff are experienced with both platforms and can help you with set-up, give you guidance on how to use the platform, and assist with any difficulties. Related resources:

Required Training Webinars

All interviewers must attend or watch a 2022-23 interview season training webinar. Training webinars are recorded and available to watch as an on-demand recording on the NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Interviews MyAFS Help and Learning page.

Additionally, if you and your AT are interested in taking on some virtual interviews with candidates from outside of your area, we could really use your help! Please sign up for the Virtual Interview Group (VIG) here.

As always, please contact nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org with any questions. Thank you so much and looking forward to continuing to work together this interview season!

All the best,

The AFS NSLI-Y and YES Abroad Interview Team