The registration deadline is approaching, sign up now!
View the May 2024 Edition of the Global Family Explorer Newsletter for host families HERE!
Tune in to this new episode for Volunteer Appreciation Month!
May YES & FLEX Newsletter
New volunteers and anyone looking to learn more about the MyAFS Volunteer Portal are invited attend this short webinar.
Did you miss Sunday’s Roundtable Town Hall call? Make sure to watch the recording and send any questions, comments, or suggestions to A lot of great ideas were shared during the roundtable and we encourage you to browse through the many creative and impactful ideas.
Overnight a programming change caused an unexpected glitch in the training expiration dates for many AFS-USA volunteers. If you received email notices that your training expired overnight, please ignore those messages.
If your local school has had a personnel change, let’s make sure the new person knows best practices!
Did you know that AFS-USA has a handout that shares best practices with schools about hosting that you can share in a follow-up email?
Is your local school one that is hosting for the first time (or the first time in a long time)?