Resources to Promote AFS-USA at Local Events

Resources to Promote AFS-USA at Local Events

Many of us are getting back out into our communities, hosting get-togethers, attending events, and enjoying fall festivities! While doing so, we encourage you to promote AFS study abroad, hosting, and volunteering opportunities! Here are some resources to help you do so:

Order materials and giveaways: (password: afsvolunteer)

Collect information from those who express interest:

Display the website and allow people to sign right up if there is internet access, or direct them to do so on their mobile devices:

Utilize QR codes when printing out information or displays:

Check out the other resources available on Help & Learning:

Share your photos and stories with us like the Capital Area Team did below! You can also share your event participation with local press.

Above: Capital Area Team recently had a booth at the Takoma Park Street Festival! Capital hosted students assisted with running the booth and representing AFS-USA. It was a great success with many people expressing interest in AFS programs and opportunities. It was also a fun time had by all!

Questions? Reach out to us at Thank you!