Have you ever wondered who organizes the enrichment activities for YES, FLEX, and CBYX students? Learn about the Cluster Coordinator role and how you can get involved!
This week, we’re highlighting exchange students from the CBYX program, like Carla from Germany, who is arriving this fall. We need your help spreading the word about hosting students like Carla!
Check out some exciting updates to the Outbound Participant Handbooks
AFS-USA has adjusted processes related to requests for Same Sex Parent placements
The Outbound Sponsored Programs team is happy to announce that the 2022-23 application season has arrived! CBYX, YES Abroad, and NSLI-Y are accepting applications for NH23 through November/December 2022!
Changes to how you identify the correct list of students to invite to your local PDO.
Departure dates for the NH21 and SH22 AFS-USA hosted YES, FLEX and CBYX programs are available on MyAFS!
The Outbound Sponsored Programs team is happy to announce that the 2022-23 application season has arrived! As of this writing, the CBYX application has opened and the YES Abroad and NSLI-Y applications are expected to open soon!
Learn more about our newly launched Global Family Tools Platform, a resource for Host Families to enhance their hosting experience and allow them to easily access information.
AFS-USA informed American CBYX participants this morning (April 30) that the U.S. Department of State, together with the German Bundestag, have confirmed that the 2021-22 CBYX program for both American and German participants will proceed in-person, beginning in August 2021. German participants will be similarly informed of this decision.