IEW is a great opportunity for volunteers to reach out to educators and give presentations in their schools and communities (either virtually or in-person).
Tag: Featured
International Education Week (IEW) is November 16-20! See how you can participate today!
The U.S. Department of State has informed AFS-USA that they have decided to cancel the in-person component of the YES and FLEX programs, scheduled to arrive to the U.S. in January for the spring semester, and instead, change the program to an all-virtual format.
International Education Week (IEW) is almost here! As you may know, this is an incredibly important time for the AFS community. We’ve developed the resources you’ll need to promote AFS and intercultural learning this year!
Each month all AFS-USA staff gather for a virtual meeting where we learn of some of our colleagues’ achievements and plans, many of which could not have been accomplished without volunteer collaboration. We’d like to share some of those updates with you!
Sandy Jurkowski, an exceptional volunteer for AFS, passed away on August 31st after a valiantly fought long battle with cancer. Her volunteerism with AFS Intercultural Programs spanned almost 40 years.
Thanks to nearly 2,000 members of the AFS Family, AFS-USA met the $500,000 Candace and Bert Forbes Challenge! This means that we have raised a total of $1MM to help AFS-USA during what continues to be the most challenging time we have ever faced.
Due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s AFS Summit will be an all virtual event to be held during the weekend of November 13th. Keep reading for more info!
A Labor Day message from Tara Hofmann to all volunteers.
August 18th, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing and protecting women’s constitutional right to vote! Share our new article about Women Volunteers and Suffragettes in WWI.