Join us in celebrating IEW! Volunteers can find resources and information in the Promote AFS section of Help & Learning.
Tag: Marketing Materials
Many of us are getting back out into our communities, hosting get-togethers, attending events, and enjoying fall festivities! While doing so, we encourage you to promote AFS study abroad, hosting, and volunteering opportunities! Here are some resources to help you do so.
What better way to welcome your students than with a cool AFS tote or flag pin? Check out all of the merchandise we have available at!
Check out the new stylish and practical face masks available to order now at!
It’s Day 3 of the Five for the Finish Campaign! Let’s keep the ball rolling and find placements for the 275 students who still need host families!
AFS-USA is kicking off the Five for the Finish Campaign this week! Our goal? Find host families for the approximately 300 students who still need a placement, which is the smallest number of students we have ever had left to place in mid-July!
There are approximately 300 students who still need a host family for this fall, which is the smallest number of students we have ever had left to place in mid-July. If, together, we can find families for these students by the 1st Arrivals Placement deadline on July 27th, they will all be able to arrive in time for the start of school and we will have achieved our goal!
Have you checked out the AFS Giveaways available for free to AFS-USA Volunteers? If not, head on over to to place your order today (remember to use the password afsvolunteer to enter the site)!
Do you enjoy taking photos and videos? Do you have photos of AFS events/participants/families that you have permission to share? We’d love to see the moments you’ve captured and use them to promote AFS-USA hosting, study abroad, and volunteer opportunities!
In our latest blog post, volunteer Tori Anaya writes about the connections host parents and students can build through sharing everyday experiences together. Read and share with host families and students in your area!