Update Sent to US Applicants and Parents

Update Sent to US Applicants and Parents

The below message was sent to AFS-USA Applicants and Parents:

Dear AFS-USA Applicants and Parents,

As the Senior Director of the Study Abroad team, we want to reach out to you regarding the war in Ukraine.

While we cannot predict how the conflict will unfold, we are committed to working with our international partners to monitor the situation closely and determine any impact on our programming. We are keeping close watch on the situation and adhering to government regulations, travel advisories, and other potentially changing circumstances. Please be assured that the safety of our participants is our top priority. To that end, we utilize the services of a highly experienced global risk management provider and, at the same time, maintain contact with embassies in the impacted regions. .

AFS always stands on the side of peace.
While AFS has no participants hosted in Ukraine, this situation goes to the very heart of our mission and to the foundation of our exchange programs. We strongly support the United Nations’ calls for “restraint, reason, and de-escalation,” and adherence to international law and the UN charter. We are concerned for every person potentially affected by this conflict, but particularly for the millions of young people living in Ukraine and Russia who deserve to live in a just and peaceful world. Our Network of 55 AFS Partners is dedicated to continuing the exchange of people and ideas whenever and wherever it is possible to do so. That commitment remains stronger than ever today.

We welcome any questions or concerns that you may have and will continue to relay any pertinent information to you as this conflict progresses.


Caitlin Schneider