Are you looking for new materials to help promote AFS opportunities? Check out our store now!
Author: AFS-USA
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Thai culture & food, April’s international diners club is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, April 11th at 7:00 pm EST.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the NH23 NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interviews initiative!
Like many of our dedicated AFS Volunteers, John held a multitude of positions with the Alleghany Valley Area Team and the mission of AFS was a passion of his for many years.
Can you be a lucky charm for our Rollover students? Strike gold with our St. Paddy’s Day POGO (Place One, Get One) Promo!
AFS-USA Marketing is excited to share the third webinar in our monthly series that will extend through 2023.
Join us on Thursday, March 16th for the Country Spotlight Hosting Series as we Journey to Indonesia to share information about the YES Program and our Indonesian students!
Are you a new volunteer who would like an introductory overview of the MyAFS Volunteer Portal or an experienced volunteer with specific MyAFS questions?
Are you going to be giving presentations about AFS opportunities this spring? If so, consider utilizing this branded, customizable presentation which highlights general information about AFS, study abroad program types and opportunities, the hosting experience, and volunteering!
In preparation for Teacher Appreciation Week 2023, which is in early May, we want to make sure educators are recognized for their role in the hosted student experience. Will you help?