Update on Selecting Students for your Team to Place

Update on Selecting Students for your Team to Place

As was announced earlier, Stage Three of the Hosting Distribution Process began on May 1st, and we are following up with more information on what to expect this month.

First, there will be no draft at this time for Core students.  Please continue placing the students linked to your team and those who are Regionally Available.

The Sponsored Programs draft will continue as planned on May 28th. By May 20th, we will send you more information to confirm each Team’s Sponsored Programs Goal and to announce the specifics of the draft. We will also ask that no additional Hold requests be entered for YES and FLEX students starting on May 20th so that teams will have time to review the available students and enter their preferences for the May 28th draft.

Thank you for continuing to focus on finding families for our available students even as uncertainty continues – the AFS mission must go on!